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Multilayered Design: Incorporating 2 to 4 independent long net forming machines, each with its dedicated sizing system and flow box, this machine has the capability to produce multilayered cardboard with impeccable precision.

Optimized Layout: With two distinct layout forms, the Web Stack Molding Machine provides versatility. As highlighted in Figure 4-63c on page 138, one common layout boasts a compact structure. The lengths of the core and lower layers can be adjusted, offering flexibility in production.

Interlayer Bonding Mastery: Achieving the perfect bond between layers is a challenge, but with the Web Stack Machine, it becomes a cakewalk. By maintaining the dry degree of combined paper between 10-14%, it ensures optimal bonding. The perforated composite roll is meticulously engineered to exert just the right pressure, avoiding issues like weak bonding or unsightly net marks. Plus, the addition of a starch glue spray at the junction fortifies the bond even further.

Transmission Excellence: This machine boasts a highly efficient transmission system. By adeptly controlling speed differences and distributing loads correctly, it guarantees the smooth functioning of the machine at high speeds.

Advantages Over Traditional Machines: The Web Stack Paper Forming Machine has several benefits over conventional paper machines:

    • Superior Evenness: With its advanced design, the paper produced has unparalleled evenness.
    • Optimal Tension Balance: It boasts a lower horizontal and vertical tension ratio, ensuring durability and quality of the paper.
    • High-Speed Performance: Designed for the modern industrial era, this machine can operate at significantly higher speeds.
    • Economical in the Long Run: While the initial investment might be on the higher side, the machine’s efficiency, speed, and reduced wastage mean businesses stand to gain more in the long run.