Vacuum Cylinders Spray for Corrusion Problem

Stabilizer rolls, also known as vacuum cylinders, wind rolls, VAC rolls, UNO cylinders, etc. During use, due to the influence of the cleaning agent and the scraper of the dry net, the surface of the roller is prone to rust and serious wear, resulting in a shortened service life of the dry net and an increase in operating costs.

The traditional spraying method can temporarily alleviate the problem, but as time goes on, the rust will quickly intensify, and even cause partial coating to fall off, seriously affecting the service life of the dry net.

Based on traditional spraying, we conducted special research in conjunction with experts in spraying technology and materials, solve the corrosion problem.


Due to the existence of through holes or grooves on the surface of the stabilizer roll, when cleaning the dry net, it is easier to form accumulation of chemicals on the edge of the through holes or grooves, and then abnormal corrosion occurs, resulting in abnormal wear of the roller surface. We successfully solve this problem by innovating the spraying operation method and combining corrosion-resistant inert metal materials.


This breakthrough and innovation stems from the perfect combination of spraying method and material ratio and change the traditional spraying process of foreign companies. However, this innovative spraying process requires extremely high precision and strength of the spraying equipment. The advanced imported equipment is the basis of this breakthrough and innovation.

Before                                                                                         After

Based on higher-level on-site spraying equipment, we can also provide customers with online spraying services of the same process, which has gradually been widely used. The effect of this spraying process will also become more pronounced over time.

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