Suction Roll

Our Suction Roll is designed specifically for pulp processing, aiding customers in achieving precise moisture control, optimizing pulp quality, supporting paper formation, and enhancing the surface quality of the final paper. With diverse design options, our product can be customized to meet the specific needs of various industries and applications. It boasts exceptional durability and reliability, prioritizes environmental sustainability and energy efficiency, providing customers with an efficient and sustainable solution.


Technical specifications

Shell Outside Diameter:Min-450mm, Max-1600mm

Shell Thickness:Min-30mm, Max-100mm

Shell Face Length:Min-1700mm, MAX-11000mm

Drilling Size:Min-3mm, Max-13mm

Drilled Length:Min-450mm, MAX-10000mm

Design Speed:250-2000m/min


Key Features

1. Efficient Moisture Control:

Engineered to achieve effective moisture removal, ensuring precise control of moisture content during the pulp processing.

2. Precision Pulp Quality Adjustment:

Offers precise adjustment of pulp quality, ensuring uniform fiber distribution for consistent density and texture in the final paper.

3. Support for Formation Process:

Supports the formation of paper during machine operation by maintaining appropriate humidity and a uniform pulp layer, enhancing the quality and consistency of paper formation.

4. Surface Quality Optimization:

Through precise control of moisture content and optimization of pulp quality, enhances the surface quality of the final paper, making it more suitable for printing and other subsequent processes.

5. Flexible Customization Options:

Provides diverse design options to meet the needs of different industries and applications, allowing customers to select suitable models and configurations based on specific process requirements.

6. Exceptional Durability:

Utilizes high-quality materials and advanced manufacturing processes, ensuring the Suction Roll exhibits exceptional durability, reducing maintenance requirements and ensuring long-term stable operation.

7. Environmental Sustainability and Energy Efficiency:

Emphasizes environmental sustainability and energy efficiency, with an efficient moisture removal process that contributes to reducing resource waste, making the production process more environmentally friendly, and lowering operational costs.