Steam and Condensation System

The system proposed herein will provide reliable drainage of all dryers at all conditions and speeds with maximum heat transfer and efficient steam usage.

Utilizing pressure control valves to control the pressure of each dryer, utilizing differential pressure control valves to control draining of dryer . The new system will provide reliable control on both run and break for high machine efficiency and low maintenance.

A process flow diagram of the proposed system is shown in the attached Systems drawings. 

  1. Steam usage: Steam is utilized in the papermaking process, primarily for heating.
  2. Condensate production: When steam loses its heat, it transforms into condensate.
  3. Condensate system components: This system includes condensate tanks, pumps, flash tanks, heat exchangers, condensate polishers, and a return line.
  4. Flash tanks and heat exchangers: Condensate is sent to flash tanks to remove residual steam. Heat exchangers use the residual heat for pre-heating feedwater.
  5. Condensate polishers: These remove impurities from the condensate.
  6. Recycling: The treated condensate is returned to the boiler for reuse.
  7. Benefits: The system enhances operational efficiency, reduces energy and water consumption, and decreases chemical treatment needs. It helps improve the industry’s ecological footprint.