CD Profile (Slice) Control System

The CD Profile (Slice) Control System is an advanced solution designed specifically for the paper production process, aiming to precisely control the cross-directional (CD) profile quality distribution during paper manufacturing. This system ensures a consistent and uniform cross-sectional quality of the paper throughout the production process, guaranteeing superior paper quality in the final product.


Technical specifications

1. Structure Diagram

2. Production Line Basic Parameters (Customizable)

3. Composition of on-site control stations

3.1 CD Profile (Slice) control actuator

The core component of the CD Profile (Slice) Control System is the control actuator, which can automatically adjust the lip opening. as shown in the following figure:

This actuator is a BNCBP intelligent lip type actuator developed by Bannor Industrial Co.,Ltd on the basis of digesting and absorbing similar foreign product technologies. The control stepper motor and high-precision displacement sensor are imported from abroad. The displacement detection accuracy is 0.1 μ m. After installing this displacement sensor on each lip adjustment mechanism, the system automatically detects the current displacement of each lip. Through the protection function of adjacent points in the software, it can absolutely avoid the occurrence of permanent deformation of the lip.

In the actuator, there is a manual adjustment hand wheel and an automatic adjustment stepper motor. If the horizontal quantitative adjustment of the paper sheet needs to be achieved through a lip type actuator, it can be achieved by outputting control pulses to the stepper motor through the control station or directly rotating the small handwheel of the lip type actuator. The fine adjustment amount can be read into the control station through the displacement sensor (LVDT) on the fine adjustment lever, and can also be displayed on the dial gauge at the same time. The adjustment stroke of the actuator is ± 2.5mm, the hand wheel rotates once, and the movement of the adjustment rod is 0.017um/step, with a maximum output torque of 10000N.

4. BNCBW3200 System Feature

4.1 Control Station Hardware Composition

CM basis weight control station receives basis weight signal from QCS system.

CM basis weight control station reading CD basis weight signal from QCS scanner, automatic adjusting the opening of the lip according to the target values, finally making CD basis weight automatic closed-loop control.

4.2 Software control strategy

To achieve good control effect, BNCBW3200 system used the advanced control algorithm such as pattern recognition. Control software features a number of functions, including CD basis weight signal receiving process, position process, pattern recognition, manual/automatic control, and also can solve the problem of coupling effect and transverse shrinkage.

System also equipped with multiple protection measures, such as the measure to avoid the lip permanent deformation is: make sure the difference of adjacent actuator fine-tuning value is not greater than 0.5 mm, if one actuator need to be adjusted more than 0.5 mm, so several adjacent actuators should also be adjusted gradually in the same direction at the same time.

4.3 Banner control system technical specifications

5. Supply list

5.1 CD Profile (Slice) Control System list